We are living in Virtual times, just yesterday was enlightened by an app created for Android users for the differently-abled children who are deaf, blind, and mute to communicate with ease. Google will soon allow a voice to text and the human engagement with a device may only be when you play a game on a glass screen. We are already immune to smart switches and soon may have robots preparing food on pre-defined recipes with minimal human intervention basis our body nutritional requirements. Cash is seldom used today and replaced by cards, for all you know face recognition or biometrics may be the way forward for debit transactions.

Cars are speaking to us and personally acknowledging our presence and already learning to speak to each other on the road and with time Uber bots (driverless) may fly to our windows to take us to our desired destinations within minutes. Who knows what we have invited in this minimalistic highly advanced world!

Having penned all of this, in the world of disruptions, can we keep our children away from screens, they are growing and adapting to technology far faster than we can and will!

There are behavioral and health pitfalls to excessive screen time given to kids that result in sleep problems, behavior issues, educational problems, violent behavior, bone and muscle stiffness and obesity due to the sedentary lifestyle.

WHO (World Health Organization) in its guideline recently recommended an infant below one should not be shown the screen at all and between the age of 1-5 years limited to an hour of screen time a day.

Every new Generation Z we meet are far more advanced to process information and play with gadgets around than kids older than them. Generation Z cannot be kept away from screens, and the next newborn may not say Mumma, Dada or Papa first but ALEXA for all you care.

As parents, we understand that television, video games, apps, and internet platforms, if allowed in a controlled manner and properly monitored, can help the future generation learn and develop new skills. 

And the question is how can we set the rules right the first time!

·        Plan screen-free time, like outdoor play, music, and sport

·        Lead by example – reduce your own screen time

·        Agree on daily screen time limits. It’s about keeping a balance

·        Start with small reductions  to help lessen any reductions

·        Revisit giving mobile devices to children when going out – take books/toys instead

·        Set tech-free zones & times at home: e.g all screens off in bedroom after a certain time

·        Use tech tools to manage access, such as parental controls

·        Be involved –

·        Watch TV and play games together


Child’s Name – Aarav Nichani Grave – V – B Mother’s Name – Saloni Nichani